domingo, 15 de enero de 2012


Desafortunadamente ayer, una joven estudiante de peluquería llego a nuestra Academia. Quería un cambio de imagen radical, tenia una base de color negro en las raíces, y todo el cabello lleno de reflejos, de unas tonalidades: marrones, chocolate, doradas, color miel, platino, en fin el color original realmente no se notaba tanto. Le quedaba muy bien con su color de ojos verde y unas pecas en la cara producto del sol de la playa, estrategicamente colocadas que parecía una chica pelirroja. 
Unfortunately yesterday, a young student of hairdresser arrived in our Academy. I wanted a change of radical image, had a base of black color in the roots, and all of the hair full of reflections, some shades: brown, chocolate, gold, honey-colored, platinum, in order the original color really it was not noticeable. He was very well with the same color as green eyes and a sprinkle of freckles on the face product of the sun on the beach, strategically-placed it seemed a girl redheaded babe.
Al analizar su cabellera, noté que de hacer tantas decoloraciones para los reflejos, su cabello estaba castigado al máximo. Tomabas una hebra y se estiraba como una cinta elástica, aparte de ser muy fino. Otra decoloración mas..... y todo el cabello partiría en pedazos.
When we analyze her hair, note that to make so many discolorations for reflexes, their hair was punished to the maximum. You made a thread and it stretched as an elastic tape, apart from being very thin. Another discoloration more ..... and all of the hair would depart to pieces.
Quería un color naranja, pero no zanahoria, es decir un tono rubio cobrizo, como la de la actriz de AIDA," Lorena" en la foto. Personalmente ahora lo llevo de ese color, pero decía que no le gustaba, aunque en la carta de colores era el que pedía....
I wanted to an orange color, but not carrot, a pitch rubio coppery, such as by the actress of AIDA," Lorena" in the photo. Personally now took him of that color, but said that he didn t like, although in the charter of colors was calling ....

Luego de comentarle que con tanta decoloración el cabello literalmente le "escupiría" el tinte que se pusiera, dijo que no importaba, quería cambiar, pero no estaba segura, por supuesto dicho tono en su color base quedaría un cobrizo mas oscuro ya que solo decoloro máximo 3 tonos (del negro máximo al castaño), quedando la raíz castaño cobriza bastante oscura, las mechas marrones, tampoco quedaron claras, las color miel, dieron el tono ideal pero, las platino quedaron platino....HORROR !!!!!. 
Then to tell you that with so much discoloration hair it literally will expel the dye that is put as said that it didn't matter, she wanted to change, but she was not safe, of course the tone in her base color would be a coppery darker since these gels was stained only maximum 3 tones (black maximum to brown), leaving the root castaño cobriza rather dark, the wicks brown, were not clear, the honey-colored, gave the pitch ideal, but, the platinum were platinum .... HORROR !!!!!.
Al lavar el cabello salia todo el tinte hacia el desagüe.....
When washing the hair came out all the dye into the drain ....
Comenzaron los nervios al secarle el cabello, no le gustaba como quedaba la raíz, no era el color que quería, no era naranja como ella pedía, sino rojizo, al salir de la peluquería inmediatamente iría a otra parte para ponerse rubia, lloraba, pataleaba.... Le aconsejamos que al volver al rubio y decolorar nuevamente perdería su cabellera, pero respondía que no le importaba, se lo cortaría y se pondría extensiones....
Began the nerves to dry her hair, she didn't like was the root, it was not the color that she wanted, it was not orange as she asked, but reddish, as she was leaving the barber immediately would be to anotherp site to be blond, she wept, .... We advise you to return to the blond and discolor again would lose her hair, but she replied that she didn't care, it is cut and would be extensions ....
Total, la estilista jefe logró convencerla de no salir de allí si no estaba satisfecha. Hizo decoloración en raíces, colorantes potenciadores del cobrizo,  matizadores, etc.  Al final, le quedó un poco mas oscuro que el de Lorena, pero salió "satisfecha".  
Finnaly, the stylist chief achievement convince her not to leave from there if she was not satisfied. Made discoloration in roots, colorants enhancers of coppery, matizadores, etc. In the end, it was a bit darker than, that of "Lorena", but left "satisfied"....
Creo que durante esta semana la veré con otra imagen.... y les contaré en que acabó esta Odisea en la Peluquería....
I think that during this week I will see her with another image .... and I will tell you that how will finish  the Odyssey on the Hairdresser ....

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